Pairing new oil
First of all, let us clear that there is no oil that is suited for, say, meat, fish or salad.
First of all, let us clear that there is no oil that is suited for, say, meat, fish or salad.
Ingredients: 300 g persimmons, 200 g wholemeal flour, 100 g brown rice flour, 100 g dark chocolate drops, 100 g extra virgin olive oil, 80 g almonds, finely ground, 2 eggs, 16 g baking powder, 1 orange, 1 pinch salt Instructions Whisk the egg whites till they form soft peaks. Using an immersion blender, mix the yolks with the olive oil and orange juice to
Persimmon bundt cake Read More »
Like kneading in bread-making, this is a critical stage in oil production: if you don’t knead the dough properly, the bread won’t rise, and likewise for oil, if malaxation is insufficient, the quality of the oil will be unsatisfactory. A skilled miller knows what is best, in terms of malaxing time and conditions, for each
Malaxing is like bread-making Read More »
If you came to visit us, you would doubtlessly remember this stage of the process. The olives are brought to our mill in large plastic baskets, the sides of which are full of vent-holes, which allow the drupes to “breathe” while at the same time preventing the accumulation of excessive humidity. The olives are loaded
Here is the recipe for Fogassin su la gradela, the traditional cake lovingly baked by the ladies in Cavaion Veronese that was served last Sunday at our Fête for the new oil. Ingredients: 300 g all-purpose flour – 3 or 4 tablespoons sugar – 1 pinch salt – 1 pinch baking soda – zest of
Traditional cake, fogassin su la gradela Read More »
The saying goes “aged wine and new oil” but given the countless questions concerning the shelf life of oil, we would like to shed some light on this issue, since the “best before” date printed on the bottles can raise doubts, leaving the consumer quite baffled. Extra virgin olive oil is considered best when
What is best, new or aged? Read More »