The Castaldo Museum traces the history of our territory, from the traditional rural world to specialization, that reflect the stages lived by our mill and by us as a family.
Castaldo was a fundamental figure in the traditional rural society of the Veneto as administrator of the assets of a large property and depositary of “knowledge” and techniques, able to manage the current but also to look ahead.
In 1951 Giancarlo Turri realized that rural civilization was disappearing and, following a vocation already present in the family, he opened his first oil mill.
We continue its journey, because we feel it ours and we perceive it as a project not destined to end but it is a road that opens to the future, through the succession of generations.
For this reason, we decided to create, the Museum of Castaldo where you can find the history of each of us and of those who have preceded us in the cultivation of the Venetian lands.
Memory is an indispensable value and must always remain alive in us. Feeding on the lesson that comes to us from those who have preceded us is not only a tribute to the past and to those who have taught us and left something, but it is also a way to lay solid foundations to face the future with foresight.