Our family has always had an overwhelming love for Art. Indeed, we feel almost compelled to go to every exhibition that takes place in the environs, so that we can discover how different forms of expressiveness can reveal new facets of life. And somehow, we also consider ourselves as artists. There is in fact a strong bond between our work and art, or at least, this is the way we feel about it. When making oil, we put into our work great passion and inventiveness. Without this, we could not attain the quality that characterizes our products. Making oil is not merely squeezing olives: there is much more to the process, and emotions play a fundamental role. A mechanical process lacking all inspiration will certainly give oil, possibly good, but never unique. It is for these reasons that we were most happy to host the very first edition of the “Artistic Promenade among the Olive Groves” as part of the Olio Officina Food Festival, the brainchild of author and oil connoisseur Luigi Caricato. This event featured the works of artists belonging to the association “Arte da mangiare mangiare Arte” (Food as art and art as food), and was organized with the aid of Ornella Piluso, aka topylabrys. The exhibition took place on Sunday July 7, and was a day of great light-heartedness. It was by all means a hymn to joy. For now we will only post some pictures taken that day, but we will soon be back with more details. We also enclose the cartoon drawn by Valerio Marini for the occasion. What we saw and heard was lovely. The public had the opportunity to appreciate the works of art displayed in our olive groves, among a vast array of Italian olive tree cultivars. The natural charm of the land and the soft scent of the olive trees justly highlighted the beauty and expressiveness of Art. The works of the artists blended harmoniously with the landscape. In the background stood our olive mill, museum, shop and guest reception, in short, our life. Our thoughts were all for our father Giancarlo, who is sadly no longer with us, but whom we felt was at our side. He would have certainly found great pleasure and enjoyment in such a festive event. The promenade among the olive trees also brought to our ears the words of Luigi Caricato, reading passages of the immortal works of poets who celebrated olive trees, their fruits and oil.
More than ever we believe that our work is both art and literature.Even something as simple and natural as olive oil requires skilled expertise and an artistic soul. Every bottle of extra virgin olive oil is a small work of art. And being conscious of this can only enrich our lives.